This is a machine-translated version of the terms and conditions provided for your convenience only. The authoritative text can be found at
General terms and conditions
1. General conditions
1.1. The following standard terms and price list, available on the website and also retrievable in PDF via the provided link [link], apply to agreements made between Joonas Valeting OÜ (hereinafter “Contractor”) and the customer (hereinafter “Client”).
1.2. These general terms and price list are an integral part of the contract’s special terms. In the event of a conflict between the general terms (including the price list) and the special terms, the special terms shall prevail.
1.3. By entering into the contract, the Client confirms they have had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with these general terms and the price list.
2. Provision of car wash services
2.1. The Contractor shall provide the car washing services to the Client’s vehicle according to the agreed price list (hereinafter “Work”). The exact description of the Work shall be agreed upon in a form that can be reproduced in writing.
2.2. The duration of the Work depends on the specifics and condition of the Client’s vehicle, the agreed services, and the transportation time. The exact schedule for the Work will be agreed upon in a form that can be reproduced in writing.
2.3. The parties may agree that the Contractor performs additional work in addition to the agreed Work. The price for the additional work will be based on the price list or a special agreement.
2.4. The Customer shall pay Joonas Valeting OÜ a fee for the performance of the Work in accordance with the agreed price list for the provision of the Services. In the case of a particularly dirty/dirty car, a surcharge may apply, but not more than 20 €.
2.5. The parties agree that the Work is considered accepted once the Client has taken delivery of the Work. By accepting the Work, the Client confirms their satisfaction with the service and the condition of the vehicle.
2.6. The parties agree that the Work is deemed delivered to and accepted by the Client if the vehicle has been physically handed over and the Client has begun using it.
2.7. Regardless of the above, the Work is considered accepted by the Client if the Client unreasonably refuses to accept the completed Work and fails to do so even after the Contractor has provided a reasonable deadline.
3. Rights and obligations of the parties
3.1. Joonas Valeting OÜ shall be entitled to:
3.1.1. to receive payment for the performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract.
3.1.2. to claim payment of the Fee from the Client from the moment the Client has accepted the Work.
3.1.3. to charge the Client a penalty of 0.06% per cent per day of the amount overdue for each day of delay in payment;
3.1.4. charge the Customer for the storage of a car entrusted to the Contractor for the performance of the Contract. The fee for the storage of the car on the premises of Joonas Valeting OÜ shall be EUR 18 per day, starting from the day following the completion of the work performed.
3.1.5. refuse to hand over possession of the car until he has been reimbursed for the car storage and the work performed.
3.2. Joonas Valeting OÜ undertakes:
3.2.1. to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract, the applicable legislation and the Client’s instructions.
3.2.2. to comply with the reasonable interests and objectives of the Client in the performance and organisation of the Work;
3.3. The Customer undertakes:
3.3.1. to ensure that the vehicle is available and accessible for the duration of the Service.
3.3.2. to remove from the vehicle transferred for the purpose of the Work, prior to its handover, all items belonging to the Client or third parties (including personal belongings, goods, etc.), the location of which in the transferred vehicle is not necessary for the performance of the Work.
3.3.3. Provide the Contractor with accurate and complete information about the vehicle, including any necessary details regarding compulsory and voluntary insurance policies, so the Contractor can provide the service correctly;
3.3.4. Inspect and accept the Work without delay once the Contractor has notified the Client that the Work is complete;
3.3.5. to pay to Joonas Valeting OÜ the Fee for the completed Work no later than at the time of acceptance of the Work, unless otherwise agreed.
3.3.6. Immediately notify the Contractor of any defects related to the Work after acceptance.
3.3.7. Pay the Contractor an additional fee for transporting the Client’s vehicle, according to the price list, unless otherwise agreed.
3.4. The Customer shall be entitled to:
3.4.1. to inspect the progress of the Work at any time, unless this would significantly interfere with the performance of the Work;
3.4.2. Refuse to accept the Work if there are significant defects. Significant defects are those caused by gross negligence or intentional actions.
3.5. the Parties undertake not to disclose the contents of the Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other Party, nor any other information (including information concerning the other Party’s affairs and business) obtained in the course of the conclusion and performance of the Agreement, which may reasonably be regarded as confidential information in the light of the Parties’ established business practice and practice.
4. Liability of the Parties
4.1. Joonas Valeting OÜ shall not be liable for any loss or damage to personal property in the car, except in the case of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
4.2. The Contractor is not responsible for damage to or destruction of the Client’s vehicle during the execution of the Work and/or during storage.
4.3. The Contractor is not liable for damages related to the vehicle resulting from an insurance event or traffic accident unless the Contractor’s employee or board member has violated the applicable traffic laws.
4.4. The Contractor is not liable for minor defects in the Work.
4.5. The Contractor is not responsible for defects if the Client has not reported them within 15 days of accepting the Work.
4.5.1. If defects related to the Work arise later or the Client could not have been aware of them earlier (except due to reasons attributable to the Client), the Client must report the defects within a reasonable time after discovering them. In such cases, the Contractor is not liable if the Client fails to report the defects in a reasonable time.
4.5.2. If points 4.4 and 4.5.1 do not apply, the Client must, in any case, report defects within a reasonable time after discovering them. Otherwise, the Client loses the right to use legal remedies provided by law.
4.6. The liability limitations and exclusions in this section do not apply in cases where the other party’s death or health damage is caused, or where damages are caused intentionally, by gross negligence, or under other circumstances stipulated in section 42, paragraph 3 of the Law of Obligations Act.
4.7. If the Client delays payment to the Contractor, the Contractor has the right to demand statutory interest on the overdue amount for each day of delay.
5. Termination of the contract
5.1. The contract automatically terminates upon completion of the Work and its acceptance, unless otherwise agreed.